What is Wordle Game? and How to play it?

Wordle is a 5 letter word guessing game, created by Joshwordle, The New York Times(Daily magazine) bought it from the creator.

The Wordle Game UI

Just see a Practical example, we have to guess a 5 letter word, 

For example, I just randomly guessed a 5 letter word –  Actor,

first text

See the color changes, other than the letter O, every letter’s color is grey, 

This means the gray letter is not in the guessing word. But the letter O is in the guessing word but that is in the wrong place.

Using the above color changes, I’m guessing another 5 letter word –  Boxer

Now, the Letter O and E is in the correct place in the guessing word because it’s in green color, but later B, N, and R is not in the guessing word,

Using the above two Information, I meant letter color changes,  I’m guessing another the 5 letter word – model,

see every letter is green, which means the guessing word is model, In the third attempt I guessed correctly. 

So, overall – The Green color indicates the correct letter in the correct place

                   – The Yellow color indicates the correct letter in the wrong place

                   – The Gray color means letter not in the gues

Let’s check the new wordle variant – emojiWordle.com