Create WhatsApp Cloud API and Flow Apps ASAP

I’m Prasath the YouTuber behind the Programming Make Sense Channel

It has been more than 2.5 years since I started working on WhatsApp APIs(Cloud API — Publicly available for everyone).

My first video about WhatsApp Cloud API got more than 100K views, from that video onwards, I started working on the WhatsApp Cloud API integrationautomation, and consultation.

During this journey of more than 2.5 years, I have built many applications, but all of them contain the same code throughout the projects.

What I mean is:

If I want to build a WhatsApp bot or automation to handle

  1. appointment booking,
  2. customer support,
  3. order management,
  4. marketing and promotions,
  5. surveys,
  6. feedback generation,
  7. event management,
  8. healthcare services,
  9. and finally ChatGPT integration,

I’m using the same code all over places,

so what I have done is, I made that code as my starter kit for any kind of WhatsApp cloud API project.

So if any client comes up with a new requirement, I use my starter kit to deliver the project ASAP.

Now, I have an idea to monetize the starter kit with proper documentation.

In this demo, I have created how to create an Uber App in WhatsApp.

Check the Product—

Thanks, Prasath.