How do Loop/Repeat YouTube videos in a specific time range?
If you want to loop the YouTube video in a specific time range or want to play YouTube videos without ads then you are in...
What is New in the Open Keyboard AI Version-1.2.3 Android App?
What is Open Keyboard AI? Open Keyboard AI is an OpenAI‘s Powered Android App. it’s a keyboard tool used to Generate Content and Correct Grammar....
Create a Plan B, Before you develop SAAS reliant on another company’s APIs
Everyone Has a Plan Until They Get Punched in the Face. a famous quote from an American professional boxer Mohad Ali. Multiple SAAS have recently...
A New Wordle variant called EmojiWordle was released on the Internet
Emoji Wordle is a game that combines the concept of Wordle with emoji guessing. It challenges players to guess words or phrases using emoji clues, making...